Avoid Struggling With Incontinence

 DID YOU KNOW that six million Australians live with some form of incontinence? That means that 1 in 3 adults are affected by this issue. Regardless, people of all ages can experience incontinence. It is important that the adequate protection is provided. 70% of incontinent people do not seek help.

What do people with Incontinence generally experience?

-Struggling to control your bladder ​or bowel movements
-Having an extra pair of clothes ​or wearing pads in case ​of an accident
-Urgently rushing to the ​toilet worrying about not making it in time
-Worrying about going out in public in case a bathroom isn’t near
-Disrupted sleep and waking up at night to go to the bathroom
-Worrying about how much you can eat or drink

Read More- https://www.livingstone.com.au/blog/health/2023/06/incontinence-solutions/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=incontinence-solutions


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